Ein großartiges Buch über Pierre de Coubertin. Eine wunderbare Story, ihn mittels der Philatelie darzustellen.
Yvan de Navacelle de Coubertin (Frankreich), Urgroßneffe von Pierre de Coubertin
Eine sehr interessante Lektüre über Pierre de Coubertin. Schon ein erster kurzer Blick hat mich fasziniert und Lust auf mehr gemacht
Thomas Bach, IOC-Präsident
Ein wichtiges Werk für die Geschichte der Olympischen Bewegung und ebenso für die Geschichte der Sport-Philatelie.
Prof. Walther Tröger, Ehrenmitglied des IOC
PdC. Pierre de Coubertin and Olympic Philately
The abbreviation "PdC" stands for nobody else but the founder of the Olympic movement, Pierre de Coubertin, to whom this splendidly arranged book is dedicated. However, the authors Rüdiger Fritz (Halle/Saale) and Volker Kluge (Berlin) did not want to add another publication to the list of interpretations which deal with the life of the French baron. They rather concentrate on the Olympic philately to which Coubertin contributed to a great deal.
We do not only owe the fascinating experience of the modern Olympic games to Coubertin, he was also a visionary, brilliant networker and pr-strategist. Between the IOC-sessions Coubertin stayed in contact with his co-workers by writing a huge number of postcards which he usually signed with "PdC". The book presents a choice of these expensive popular collective objects.
Probably Coubertin has never been an Olympic philatelist himself. But the topic is especially interesting because there is no other person worldwide, not even the British queen, who was shown on a postage stamp more often than him. Although the first stamps were published only after Coubertin's death in Haiti in 1939, meanwhile there are 79 countries which edited stamps with his portrait.
The book not only shows the most beautiful and expensive Coubertin stamps. It also assembles, to some extent unpublished, philatelic products and documents which relate to famous athletes, Coubertin’s colleagues as well as his time and their protagonists. And we promise that you will find lots of details about Coubertin's life which have never been published before.
Rüdiger Fritz / Volker Kluge,
„PdC. Pierre de Coubertin und die Olympia-Philatelie“,
book in English, 256 pages, 453 coloured illustrations, spring 2017,
Alpheios Publications,
Meisenweg 6 b,
06110 Halle/Saale,
E-Mail: ruedigerfritz.alpheios@t-online.de,
Price: 29.90 EUR,
ISBN 978-3-00-055995-2.